Psychology 360

A Talk on Masculinity, Spirituality and Technology with Daniel Dick

Episode Summary

In this episode I am joined by Daniel Dick who is an author, consciousness and antrhopological researcher. He is the author of Sex, Masculinity and God and is a lecturer at the European School of Governance and University of Vienna. He has travelled the world and explored various traditions such as shamanism, Buddhism and Tantra. Daniel is holding the Young Scientist Bertalanffy Award of the European Meeting of Cybernetics and System Research 2016, worked in institutions, such as the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, the European School of Governance and co-founded the independent Viennese Academy of Consciousness Research in 2015 and the Existential Consciousness Research Institute in 2018. He published articles in academic and popular journals and is editing a book on consciousness research.

Episode Notes

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